Ane Rahbek Vierø at CRBAM 2022

University of Amsterdam Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Reproducible Quality Assessment of OSM Data for Cycling Applications

Anastassia Vybornova at CRBAM 2022

University of Amsterdam Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Cycle Node Network Planner: A data-driven decision support tool

Keynote by Luca Aiello at International Conference on Discovery Science 2022

Campus St Priest 161 Rue Ada, 34095, Montpellier, France

Coloring Social Relationships Social relationships are the key determinant of crucial societal outcomes, including diffusion of innovation, productivity, happiness, and life expectancy. To better attain such outcomes at scale, it is therefore paramount to have technologies that can effectively capture the type of social relationships from digital data. NLP researchers have tried to do so […]

Luca Rossi chairing and moderating NLP, Fake News and Social Media @ Digital Tech Summit

Bella Center Center Blvd. 5, København, Denmark

Program: Welcoming talk: The many faces of Fake News, by session chair, Luca Rossi NLP, Fake News and Social Media Scientific Talk: NLP and social media, Marina Charquero Ballestar, Postdoc, AU Scientific Talk: Editorial media and social media platforms: it’s complicated, Aske Kammer, RUC Business Talk: Daniel Hanse, Business Talk: Complexities of tacking the […]

Roberta Sinatra at Aarhus University, The Science Studies Colloquium

Quantifying biases and inequalities in science Every day our life is made easier by efficient algorithms that search and rank scientific information. Yet, these algorithms have an issue: they are trained on citation data that is ingrained with human biases. Therefore the output is inherently biased too, creating inequalities, raising concerns of discrimination, and harming […]