Roberta @ UniCT for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

(Event in Italian) Giovedì 11 febbraio 2021, con inizio alle ore 15:00, in occasione dell'International Day of Women and Girls in Science, il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Ettore Majorana", in collaborazione con il Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia #CSFNSM, ospiterà (online) l'incontro con due scienziate per esplorare percorsi di donne […]

Roberta gives a seminar for Reykjavik University and the Gran Sasso Science

TITLE: Quantifying biases in science   ABSTRACT: Every day our life is made easier by efficient measures and algorithms that search and rank scientific information. Yet, these algorithms have an issue: they are trained on citations, which are ingrained with human biases. Therefore the output is inherently biased too, creating inequalities, raising concerns of discrimination, […]

Talk Bojan Kostic at CRBAM21

IDA CONFERENCE Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Copenhagen, Denmark

Analysing cyclist behavior at signalized intersections using computer vision Artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning and computer vision, is a promising new tool for automated video analysis in traffic studies. It allows for facilitated extraction of detailed data from video recordings at higher efficiency and lower costs, improved precision of obtained data, and reduced errors […]

Talk Anastassia Vybornova at CRBAM21

IDA CONFERENCE Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Copenhagen, Denmark

Network algorithms for the identification and classification of gaps in urban bicycle networks based on OSM data What is the best location to build new bicycle infrastructure in a city? This planning decision can be conceptualized as an optimization problem: the goal is to find the most efficient solution – that is, the one that […]

Talk Michael Szell at CRBAM21

IDA CONFERENCE Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Copenhagen, Denmark

The geometric limits of growing urban bicycle networks City planners worldwide are increasingly realizing that cycling can be a promising solution to their unsustainable car-centric transport systems. However, common bicycle network planning practices follow piecewise ad hoc approaches which do not take into account the transportation network and its structural complexity as a whole. Here […]

Invited Talk Michael Szell at Urban Complex Systems

Making cities better with human-centric urban data science Making our cities better and sustainable is key to solving the climate and urban transport crises. To this end, urban data science offers new tools to quantify societal problems in cities and to propose human-centric solutions to policy makers. In this talk I outline our recent and […]

Talk Michael Szell at UrbanSys21

Growing cohesive urban bicycle networks City planners worldwide are increasingly realizing that cycling can be a promising solution to their unsustainable car-centric transport systems. However, common bicycle network planning practices follow piecewise ad hoc approaches which do not take into account the transportation network and its structural complexity as a whole. Here we take a […]

Invited Talk Michael Szell at PhyMo22

Towards a human-centric urban data science Making our cities better and sustainable is key to solving the climate and urban transport crises. To this end, urban data science offers new tools to quantify societal problems in cities and to propose human-centric solutions to policy makers. In this talk I outline our recent and ongoing efforts […]