Jonas L. Juul has joined NERDS

We are thrilled to welcome Jonas L. Juul to our research group!

Jonas joins us as Assistant Professor, after an illustrious past in network science, having worked -among others- with Mason Porter, Steven Strogatz, Jon Kleinberg, and Sune Lehmann *hashtag namedrop*. He uses statistical methods, mathematical modeling and computer simulations to study social networks, spreading processes and human behavior. Recently, he has been particularly interested in how content spreads between online users, and how to mitigate the spread of diseases in human populations. He approaches these questions both empirically — using methods from modern data science — and theoretically with methods from physics and mathematical modeling.

Jonas had past professional roles at Technical University of Denmark and Cornell University, and he was also part of the Statens Serum Institut’s expert group on mathematical modeling of COVID-19 during the reopening of Denmark in the spring and summer of 2020. Check out Jonas’ cool Webpage to find more information about him.