Luca Aiello at FRCCS 2023

Coloring Social Relationships Social relationships are the key determinant of crucial societal outcomes, including diffusion of innovation, productivity, happiness, and life expectancy. To better attain such outcomes at scale, it […]

Roberta at Reykjavik University

Quantitative understanding of success and inequality through network science The unprecedented availability of large-scale datasets on human activities and interactions has enabled us to quantitatively understand how networks shape success […]

Michael at Reykjavik University

Computational, evidence-based approaches to bicycle network planning   In this talk, I explore the opportunities and limitations of network and data science for bicycle infrastructure planning. With the increasing popularity […]

Roberta at ICSSI

Exploring Gender Bias and Collaborative Dynamics in Science: Lessons from natural and controlled experiments

Anastassia at FOSS4G BikeDNA: A tool for Bicycle Infrastructure Data & Network Assessment 2023-06-28, 16:00–16:30 (Europe/Tirane), UBT C / N110 - Second Floor Access to high-quality data on existing bicycle infrastructure is […]

Roberta at ISSI 2023

Quantifying biases and inequalities in science Every day our life is made easier by efficient measures and algorithms that quantify, search, and rank scientific information. Yet, these measures and algorithms […]

Anastassia at NetSci 2023 Luca Maria Aiello, Sándor Juhász, Anastassia Vybornova, Eszter Bokányi and Michael Szell Highways are barriers to urban social connections PRESENTER: Anastassia Vybornova ABSTRACT. Geographic distances influence social connections inside cities - even in our digital […]

Ane at Kortdage

Kvalitetsanalyser af de danske cykelstidata Ane Rahbek Vierø Danmark kaldes ofte for en "cykelnation", men afspejler det sig også i vores cykeldata? Mange ønsker i dag at arbejde mere strategisk […]

Arianna at Complex Networks 2023

The 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Menton (French Riviera), 28-30 November 2023 Extended abstract 1 (poster): Tell Me Who You Are and I Will Predict Your Vulnerability […]

Roberta’s Keynote at the CHR 2023


Roberta gave a keynote talk at the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2023 (CHR 2023). The conference is held in Paris, 6-8 December 2023. Roberta's gave an online keynote talk, entitled […]