NERDS at Lipari Complex Networks workshop

NERDS Michele Coscia, Roberta Sinatra, and Michael Szell were invited to present their research at the workshop “Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain” from the 13th to the 19th of July in Lipari.

ASONAM 2019 (4 Talks)

Presenting: - Benchmarking API Systems for Social Media Data Collection - Discovering Communities of Community Discovery - The Impact of Projection and Backboning on Network Analysis - Investigating Community Discovery Similarity Measures' Behaviors

Cambridge Network Day, University of Cambridge

Cambridge University Cambridge, United Kingdom

Roberta gave an invited talk at Cambridge Network Day, the yearly conference of the Cambridge Networks Network, at the University of Cambridge.  Cambridge Networks Day 2019 is the sixth of our annual meetings on the topic of complex networks. It is an occasion for the research community to exchange ideas and expertise, intended to spark […]

Roberta @ Metascience Conference 2019

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA, United States

Roberta will give an invited talk at the Metascience Conference 2019, hosted at Stanford University, in Palo Alto.  This is the topic of the conference: During this decade, we have witnessed the emergence of a new discipline called metascience, metaresearch, or the science of science. Most exciting is the fact that this is emerging as […]

NERDS @ Techfest: The Future of Social Media Data Research

Rysensteen, Flæsketorvet 60, 1711 København Flæsketorvet 60, , København, Denmark

We're participating at Techfest 2019 a 3-day festival in Copenhagen with 200+ events on humans and technology. We will coordinate a session about The Future of Social Media Data Research: Let’s Do It Right When it Comes to Data, Privacy and Public-Interest Session presentation: Social media has become a central data source for the study of […]

Roberta @ Leiden University

CWTS, Leiden University Leiden, Netherlands

Roberta will be at Leiden University, visiting and giving talks at CWTS

Roberta @ University of Barcelona

Keynote: Quantifying the biases of scientific success International Day of Women and Girls in Science Dones en la recerca scientifica