We have published two new papers in December:
- The Node Vector Distance Problem in Complex Networks, by M. Coscia, A. Gomez-Lievano, F. Neffke, published in ACM Computing Surveys
The paper develops a new measure to quantify the distances between sets of nodes, with important applications on network dynamics such as spread of diseases.
Read Michele’s blog post about it: https://www.michelecoscia.com/?p=1898 - Data-driven strategies for optimal bicycle network growth, by L.G. Natera Orozco, F. Battiston, G. Iniguez, M. Szell, published in Royal Society Open Science
Here we investigate the network structure of bicycle networks in cities around the world, and find that they consist of hundreds of disconnected patches, even in cycling-friendly cities like Copenhagen. To connect these patches, we develop and apply data-driven, algorithmic network growth strategies, showing that small but focused investments allow to significantly increase the connectedness and directness of urban bicycle networks.